Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue mobilization and correction is a vital part of correcting any structural issue in the body.

Adhesions, restrictions, tissue build up over time in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. These restrictions limit range of motion and can greatly impair normal function of a joint or muscle.

After a problem has been there for a while, then it leads to pain, inflammation, and then more scar tissue and restriction. It is a vicious cycle that continues to build on itself unless corrected.

The following video does a good job explaining this process:

Now for the fix… that’s where soft tissue mobilization in the form of manual therapy and massage comes in to play.

We utilize an almost endless array of soft tissue techniques in the office to address whatever ailment or problem you may be dealing with and to truly fix it once and for all.

Now for the fix… that’s where soft tissue mobilization in the form of manual therapy and massage comes in to play.
We utilize an almost endless array of soft tissue techniques in the office to address whatever ailment or problem you may be dealing with and to truly fix it once and for all.

Common techniques utilized are as follows:

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Trigger point
  • Pin and stretch techniques/active release
  • Trignenics myoneural therapy
  • Myofascial release
  • Lymphatic drainage massage
  • Cupping
  • Various form of manual stretching
  • Instrument assisted work with massage guns
  • massage tools
  • and more
  • We utilize the best techniques for you as we see fit to accomplish the goal at hand, but if there is a specific technique you would prefer, then we are more then happy to oblige!

    We are not a “spa style” massage service. this will necessarily be a relaxing massage, but We will be fixing whatever structural and muscular problems you are dealing with.

    We offer sessions ranging from 15 minutes to 90 minutes in length, depending on what you need.
    15 mins
    30 mins
    60 mins
    90 min
    Our typical hours are:
    7:00am-7:00pm Monday through Friday
    Saturdays from 9:00am-2:00am