Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions. We hope this insight helps. If you have any further questions, feel reach to reach out to us, we look forward to hearing from you! 

Do you take my insurance?

We accept and work with all major insurance companies. When you come in, we will do a complementary benefits check to see what your specific benefits will be in our office.

Additionally, we offer a cash discount plan which often times saves our patients more money than if they used their insurance in the first place. See below for more details.

Do you accept Medicare?

Yes! We are participating providers with Medicare.

Do you have a cash discount?

Yes! We work with a Compliant Coupons. which allows us to legally discount our fee schedule. We offer discounts for individuals, as well as family plans.  Additionally, we offer further discounts for the military, law enforcement and firefighters.


Do you offer supplements in the office?

Yes. However, in order to keep costs low, we do not stock any physical inventory. We partner with a company called FullScript. They specialize in supplying pharmaceutical grade supplements to health care providers.

Click here for more information.

How long does a visit take?

Our initial exam will last approximately 1 hour, but each regular visit thereafter will last 5-15 minutes depending on what we are doing that specific day.

Do you use Activator?

Dr. Maass has been trained in Activator Methods, and uses it for certain cases or by request from the patient. This is not our primary treatment technique, but it is another tool that we have to offer and we utilize it in certain circumstances.

Does it hurt?

We use very gentle and specific adjusting techniques, and only those techniques that you are comfortable with. Minor discomfort with an adjustment or massage technique may be experienced, but it is usually what people refer to as the good pain.

What techniques do you use?

We use a variety of techniques in the office.  As far as adjusting techniques, we primarily use diversified adjusting (using our hands) for the spine and all extremities, but we also use drop tables, activator, and SOT blocks.

We also do several soft tissue treatments, cupping, acupuncture, dry needling, rehabilitative exercise, spinal decompression, and neurological rehabilitation.

In addition to these treatments, we also provide nutritional counseling and have an exhaustive list of pharmaceutical grade supplements that we offer through our online dispensary partners which can be found here.

For further information, please refer to our services page, or simply give us a call!

Do you take care of kids?

Absolutely! We love taking care of children!

Kids have a brain, just the same as you do. Therefore, they need taken care of just the same as you. Furthermore, children’s brains and bodies are still developing, therefore it is vital to ensure that they are developing correctly; that way we can avoid problems down the road when they get older.

Is it safe?

Yes. Chiropractic care is one of the safest forms of treatment there is. We do a very thorough examination on our first visit which will help us catch any issues that could possibly make a treatment unsafe.

One common objection is that chiropractic care comes with a higher incidence of stroke risk.  This is simply an uneducated and uninformed statement. A recent literature review was conducted by a team of medical neurologists from Penn State on the causation and correlation of chiropractic manipulation and stroke.  They looked at every study available that has been published on the topic, and came to the conclusion that there is no evidence of chiropractors causing stroke.  This is simply one of many studies stating this. If you have any further questions, please ask! We will be more than happy to provide you with full text articles on what science has shown.

Lastly, I would like to point out the cost of malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance companies are very good at hedging their bets to not lose money. With that said, typical chiropractic malpractice insurance ranges from $1,000-$3,000 per year. Compare that with the malpractice cost of a medical doctor, which ranges from $20,000-$200,000 depending on the specialty.  If chiropractors were injuring anyone regularly, then insurance costs would reflect that.

Do I have to keep coming back forever?

Absolutely not. Everybody is different in how long it will take to get well, however, we would anticipate getting whatever issue you’re dealing with taken care of within the first couple of weeks to months depending on what you specifically are dealing with.

At that point, whenever people get over the issue that was troubling them, we do have many patients who choose to continue care with us in order to be as healthy as they can be! That is completely a personal choice though.

At the end of the day, your health is determined by your choices.  If you want to become as healthy as possible, we are here for you and would love to help you! But if you just want to come in when you feel you need us, we’d love to help you in that capacity as well.

Do you do acupuncture?

Yes! Dr. Maass has taken over 150 hours of acupuncture training, and is a Fellow of the Acupuncture Society of America. We utilize acupuncture on complex cases and on patients that specifically request this service.

We use both traditional needle acupuncture as well as acupressure and electro-acupuncture. Electro-acupuncture uses a small electrical probe and does not break the skin. Click here for further details.